

Follow ME and I'll follow YOU!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


In the span of the nine days vacation also called as a semester break, students are finally able to take a breather from a 5 months full of hectic days of work in school.

This time I took my vacation for granted. I slept whenever I wanted to, watch random television shows, surf random websites and even go baking and exploring in the midst of noon even though the temperature ranges from 35 C to 36 C. But mostly I stayed at home, lazily staring at the empty space and waiting for my relatives to arrive anytime of the week.

I rarely enjoy vacation now. I think I am just waiting it end and hoping something good and fun will happen.

Alas. The third day before my vacation is going to end, an interesting event happened. My relatives have actually arrived. I was hoping the vacation will never end.

But every good things must come into an end. The vacation isn't as boring as it seems. I think I enjoyed it as much as somebody would if he/she were in my heels.

A new Chapter

Time goes by as they always say. Reminiscing the old times has been one of our habits especially if something interesting has happened to us.

My second grading period has come to an end already and now I am flipping one of the pages in the book a new chapter in my school days.

I learned something new this time and I do hope that I can apply it in the future. The writing of blogs were enjoyable even creating the exercises.

I do hope that I will have loads of fun this third grading period.
