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Monday, July 12, 2010

Pregnancy as they say is one of blissful moments in a woman's life. Picturing the baby in the womb of the mother through ultrasound makes them grin up to the ear. Excitement occurs throughout the nine months of pregnancy. Determining the gender and choosing for the appropriate name for the baby are one of the basic necessities. But we must always be reminded that pregnant should also eat nutritious but scrumptious foods in order to maintain the proper weight for babies inside their wombs. They should eat foods (fruits and vegetables) rich in vitamins and iron. The most common disease of pregnant women is which is caused by the lack of iron. They should be careful in things they do, eat and drink. They should avoid smoking or taking drugs because it might cause death or abnormality to the baby.

The theme for the Nutrition Month promotes health and wellness of the pregnant women and their baby. Mainly because one of the main problems in our world is the low mortality of pregnant women and their babies. They die mainly because of malnutrition or obesity plus the struggle of giving birth. Let us support the Nutrition month and theme to help spread the importance of good nutrition to all the mothers in the world and their babies.

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